About Us
Hervey Bay Squash Club is based at the Mako's Health Club in Dayman Street Urangan.
Monday Night Competition
The Club has a Monday night individual compeition where players are graded and matches are organised with players of a similar grading with handicaps applied. The matches start at 6pm. Each match is the best of 5 games, with the games being the first to 15 rally point. Supper is provided and bar drinks available.
Monday Night Compeititon Co-ordinator: Ben Tadj on 0432 024 924
Tuesday Daytime Squash
Come and join us at 9.00am till 12.00pm every Tuesday morning (8.30am time slot available if required - make prior arrangement with opponent). The competition is run on a Mixed Graded Teams Fixtures Competition with 15 point scoring System. All ages and abilities are most welcome.
Daytime Coordinator : Christine Goodman on 0409 587 363.
Grant Polley holds coaching sessions on Monday afternoons for our Beginner Juniors from 4.00pm to 5.15pm.
Also, squad traning for more serious/advanced juniors occurs most weeks on Tuesday afternoons, 4.00pm - 5.30pm.
Contact Ray Strachan for details on 0411 757 732.
Thursday Night Competition
The Club holds team fixtures on a Thursday night. There are generally 8 teams of 4 to 5 players and play starts at 6:30pm. Matches are the best of 5 games, with each game being the first to 9 (service point). Each team has turns at providing the supper for the night and a bar is available.
Thursday Night Compeition Co-ordinator: Grant Polley 0439 771 788
Friday Mornings
Everyone welcome to pop in Friday mornings from 9.00 am to 12.00am for a social hit of squash and a chat. Free coaching is also available on these mornings.
Saturday Practice
Club members are able to come down on Saturday afternoons for club practice from 2.00pm.