Contact Us
We are located at: 184 Dayman Street, Urangan Qld 4655
Postal address is: P O Box 596, Hervey Bay Qld 4655
Court Hire
If you need to enquire about court hire or Mako's Health Club membership, please phone the Health Club on 4128 9355.
Please phone one of the numbers below only if you need to enquire about one of our competitions.
Monday Night Quickfire Squash competition
Contact: Ben Tadj on 0432 024 924
Tuesday Afternoon Beginners (Juniors)
Contact: Gloria Weller on 0429 050 316
Tuesday Group Training (juniors)
Contact: Ray Strachan on 0411 757 732.
Tuesday Daytime Squash
Contact: Christine Goodman on 0409 587 363 or
Graeme Howard on 0406 004 140
Thursday Night Teams Squash Competition
Contact : Grant Polley on 0439 771 788 or
Cameron Hughes on 0409 797 241 (as a last resort) for replacements