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Event Dates for July to December 2023

Thank you to all who have participated in our regular competitions in the first half of 2023, and for those who have supported our new Social Squash night on Tuesday evenings. 

These are our plans for the second half of 2023, so you can save some dates.

Regular Competitions

Monday Night Comp (Handicapped Individual) - recommences Mon 10th July, 6pm, and runs for 10 weeks, following school Term 3.  Call or text me (John Bunney) to let me know you want to play, or for more info: 0448 234 656

Tuesday Daytime Comp (Team) - recommences Tues 11th or 18th (TBC) July, 9am.  Runs for the second school semester, or Terms 3 & 4.  Last chance for the year to join in!  Contact Christine Goodman to register interest / more info: 0409 587 363

Thursday Night Comp (Team) - recommences Thur 13th July, 6pm.  The Thursday comp also runs for Semester 2, finishing November (Grand final scheduled for 17th November).  Contact Kel Buckley to register interest /  more info: 0408 724 047

Additional Date Claimers:

Saturday 22nd July - from midday.  We will be hosting a RETRO day.  Pull out the old wooden or aluminium racquet, don the all whites and the headbands, and reminisce about the heady (and sweaty) days of the sport! The club will put on a BBQ, there will be prizes for the best dressed, and some enjoyable court play.  

Saturday 19th August - Members Day.  A day of barefoot bowls at the adjacent Urangan Bowls Club, for all (full & junior) members.  Nibblies will be provided, and we will hold our AGM during the day.  More details will be provided as we near the time, but numbers need to be RSVP'd by 10 days in advance.  Watch this space.

Tentative - Sunday 27th August - Agnew Shield.  The yearly square off between the top half dozen men and women competitors from HBay / MBro against Gympie and Bundaberg.  Gympie is hosting this year, so if you're not in the top half dozen in the club (me neither!), you can travel to Gympie to watch and support our team.  Date TBC

Friday 20th October - Family Fun Night.  Bring your partner, bring the kids, bring a friend, and introduce them to the club.  

Thursday 23rd & Friday 24th November - Club Championships.  Who will be our club champions for 2023?  Last year we had 5 grade champions...who will rise to the top this year?

Saturday 25th November - Xmas Party.  The annual Club Xmas party is on again, starting at 6pm!  Don't double book this evening!

Call For Social Players on Tuesday Night

Please consider bringing a friend / relative / work colleague / etc, to our Social Squash Night's, on Tuesday evenings.  For non-members of the Health Club, this is the only night they can come play squash in the Bay.  

This is a fantastic way to introduce new people, who aren't as serious about squash as some of us, both to the sport and to our club, and the Health Club is supporting us by offering great intro deals.  

Social squash players will be required to attain HBSquash social membership, at the princely sum of $15 p.a., but this is offset by their first three visits into the Health Club being offered for free.  

So in effect, the first 3 times they come, they only need to pay $15 total (plus fill in some paperwork).  

Tuesday nights are coordinated by Gloria Weller and start at 6pm, and will be running over the school holidays.  

Contact Gloria for more info: 0429 050 316

Hope to see you at at least a couple of these events in the 2nd half of 2023!

John Bunney


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